Fat burning meal hacks

The term ‘hack’ is being used a lot lately. While it used to have a negative connotation, these days to ‘hack’ is to find a quicker, easier and more effective method for achieving a goal. There are life hacks (like packing Christmas ornaments in empty egg cartons), food hacks (like placing a handful of cherry […]

Exercise is Life by Maitrang

It’s time to quit procrastinating and start exercising! The benefits of physical activity are too great to ignore. If you feel younger, you’ll live longer. It’s more than just a saying, living longer is an actual benefit of regular exercise. People with higher levels of physical fitness have a decreased chance of dying from a […]

5 Side Effects of Fat Loss

You know how every pharmaceutical commercial ends with a laundry list of possible side effects? The ailments that we could possibly experience if we take it are silently weighed against the possible benefits of the drug. Well, turns out that exercise and good nutrition also come with a laundry list of side effects… Our hope […]


Wellness Fatigue? by Katie

Right now, you might be thinking to yourself, What is wellness fatigue? Let me explain… Wellness fatigue happens as a result of constantly thinking about and tracking your health stats. Whether it be through simply keeping a daily log of what you eat or tracking a wide range of elements, like your daily steps, your […]


New prescription for you

Dr. Joseph Mercola, a well-known health advocate, has an interesting take on exercise. He believes that it should be prescribed, like any other medication, in daily doses. “The simple act of writing out a prescription for exercise is an excellent approach to being proactive in regard to your health. It’s also far more logical, inexpensive […]


Your Flat Abs Plan

One of the most frequent questions asked is, “How can I get great abs?” You may have pondered this question at some time or another. Many people are frustrated by their stomachs, to the point of giving up after doing dozens of crunches with zero improvement. It’s time to forget everything you’ve heard about how […]