Lifestyle Habits Affect the Immune System

Contrary to what many believe, the immune system is not a stagnant single entity, but a system that relies on many different things. When it comes to building any part of our health, there are certain lifestyle choices that are critical.

Not smoking, getting plenty of sleep, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, practicing habits of cleanliness, and avoiding excessive intake of alcohol — these are choices that can set even the genetically unhealthiest of individuals on a path to success.

When powering our car, it is understood that the best oil and the best gas will run it at optimal performance. The same can be said about our body. To run our immune system at an optimal level we must provide it with the optimal fuel.

It’s All About the Gut

Our immune system is indeed a system that depends on many things, especially when attempting to strengthen it. But what most people don’t know is about 70% of our immune system lies within our gut, or digestive system.

Research has shown that GALT, or gut-associated lymphoid tissue, is the primary factor of MALT, or mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue, and makes up nearly 70% of our immune system. About 80% of our plasma cells live in this GALT (which includes our Peyer’s patches — known as the immune sensors of the intestines).

Esteemed doctor, Dr. Daniel Nazum, NMD, who rose to notoriety as being the youngest licensed naturopath in U.S. history, emphasized the importance of this breakdown:

“Plasma cells are actually white blood cells that pump out large volumes of antibodies. And once these plasma cells are released into your bloodstream and lymph, they seek out antigens (foreign invaders) and destroy them.”

This is crucial when understanding what keeps us healthy, for what we put into our stomach to be digested directly effects our immunity, both negatively and positively.